Welcome to the brand, new, electric Yamaha piano to EMC! :) :) :)
My colleague A. worked hard since the last year to secure the funds in order to buy it and provide a new service to the EMC.
Here are the few rules to follow so that users can access it:
- Upon presentation of a valid card
- Headset play only
- Session of 30 minutes maximum
- One person at a time on the piano
- Please respect the instrument (no food, drinks and aggressive behaviour)
Idea is that people come and stay in EMC space, and not just come, pick up the materials and leave. We want to make the space alive. And it seems it's working! :) Bunch of people, mostly children, are coming and using piano. Most of them don't know to play, but it's a great experience for them just to touch the instrument, to hear the sound. Who knows, maybe some of them decide to go and learn to play the instrument. :)
We are noting the usage stats on the paper, and we will try to use these stats for our request for instrumentotheque in the future.
It's a real pleasure seeing the excitement on our members faces when they play piano! Thank you piano! Let the music live in our mèdiatheque :)