This is Halloween

30 Oct, 2023

The Children's and Teens' department of our library organizes a massive Halloween party and each year they invite me to play a song on a guitar for the kids. I LOVE performing music and being with kids, so I always accept their invitation to have some adventures in children librarianship :)

This year I played the song "This is Halloween" from the movie "The Nightmare Before Christmas". It's an awesome animation movie with spooky songs and this song was definitely a challenge to learn to play. I learned a lot while practicing the song and I believe I became a little better musician. Since this is kind of a musical song, with many different voices, I had to change my voice multiple times and I tried to make it the scariest possible! I think the kids enjoyed and I got a lot of nice comments after the show.

I asked the kids to scream whenever they hear the word "scream" in the song, and there were couple of times when this word was mentioned, so we had some fun times screaming and yelling all together. Children librarianship looks so fun! :)

Happy Halloween!